When I started this blog over 5 years ago my goal was to just share my excitement about knitting. I had only been knitting for a couple of months and everything was so new and exciting. As I continued through the last several years, my posts have changed quite a bit.
First off, my level of availability for blogging has decreased drastically! When I started I was a full time post-baccalaureate student, I worked part-time, and had no littles at home. I snapped pictures of my knitting constantly and shared a lot of dog/yarn pics.
In the past two years I became a mom, began working full time, and began designing my own knitting patterns. All the free time for blogging had to be redirected to other areas of my life. While I wouldn't change anything, I do miss getting in touch with my blog and try to redirect some energy in its direction from time to time.
In other news, since I've finished the big project I was working on I've had just a smidgen more time for personal knitting. Like, really, only a smidgen. How does that even happen? I think I lined up a few too many new design projects to make sure I wouldn't be in a dry spell afterward. Anyway, with that small amount of personal knitting time I've finished a new vest for D!
This is currently a test knit and the pattern is not released yet. The design is from Ashley Yousling of Woolful. It will be available in children's and adult sizes. I got to use some left over Jill Draper Makes Stuff Rockwell in the color Pumpkin. I was just chatting with my friend and LYS owner Cyndi and I mentioned how I'd bet that she hasn't sold much of this yarn. She agreed and let me tell you, that is a terrible shame! This yarn is so rich and wooly. It comes smelling very sheepy still but yet, when knitting with it I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of vegetable matter in the yarn. And the colors work up gloriously. I think the marling make it difficult for people to imagine what that yarn will look like, but I really love the marling!
I have a few more beginnings going on and while I can't share them just yet, I will very soon. There's still a lot left for me to do before I can start sharing but I'm very excited about this new project and hope you'll enjoy it too!
It's funny how we grow and expand our world over time and how our priorities shift. Cute busy. That wool looks snuggly.