With the 2014 Indie Designer Gift-A-Long going on right now I had an opportunity to interview a fellow designer this year! Let me introduce Cheryl Chow!
There is still time to purchase some of Cheryl's patterns for 25% off using the code giftalong2014 (through November 21st). Check out here bundle here.

Cheryl, I'm so excited to have you on the blog! Allow me to ask you the age old question every knitter receives: how did you get started knitting?
My mom taught me to crochet first and then to knit when I was around 11 years old. Knitting was very difficult for me as I made my stitches very tight, my hands sweat with trying to get the needles to work, and I ended up in tears more than once I'm very surprised I continued on with the craft.
Well it's very lucky for us you did! Are you a multi-crafter? What other crafts do you enjoy?
Yes, so many fun crafts and so little time to enjoy them all. I currently quilt, spin, and crochet. I used to do cross stitch as well but gave all those supplies away a few years ago.
At what point did you get started in designing knitwear?
I joined a charity group called Heavenly Angels In Need and they were looking for knit and crochet baby patterns that their group could make and donate to hospitals and families. I thought "I can do that" and designed a couple of simple baby blankets. It was so much fun (and an ego boost) to see other people knit up the blankets and post about them on Ravelry. In 2013 I decided that I would try designing a cardigan and was really happy with how well Firkant turned out.
Do you have a "regular" job as well? How do you find balance between the two?
I have a part time job with a quilt book distributor. The hours aren't consistent so finding time to do both is not too difficult. Setting goals and a schedule for my knitting projects/designs helps a lot too.
Have you had a project that went so wrong you had to scrap it?
Yes, sadly. I started Kaiso Linen Tee, wrote up the pattern and had a few testers work through it. I had so many negative comments about it that I gave up. I love the design and have plans to rework it and release it eventually.
Do you have a favorite design?
I think Matomoko is my best design yet. The cable and lace patterning worked really well together and I like the neckline. I think it was just meant to be as it came together quite easily.
What is your favorite yarn and needles?
Hiya Hiya needles are my favourite. I have an interchangeable set and am very sad if all the size tips or cords are in use and I have to choose a different needle. As for yarn, I can't say I have a single go to yarn. I love all the different indie dyed yarns and tend to go for the fingering/sport weights in natural fibers.
My row counter. My husband bought it for me for Christmas and it is amazing.
Do you do much gift knitting? Why or why not?
Not much. Since I've started designing I don't have much time. I do knit/crochet small items for my kids occasionally.
What was the most well received gift you ever gave? What was the least well received?
I made a Hillswick Lumber cardigan for my mom and she loved it. It was an ambitious project but I knew she would appreciate it. Least well received was Burr (Chocolate Yummm) for my MIL. She said she didn't like it and returned it to me. Sad, but lesson learned, she only gets store bought things from now on.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share about yourself with us!
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